
About Me and This Page

I was born in Guatemala and have been keeping aquariums for more than 20 years (since 1985). Growing up in Guatemala I used to collect my own fish all the time. I had access to tropical fish from the Caribbean Sea as well as the black sand beaches of thePacific Ocean. And to all kinds of freshwater fish, like Central American cichlids from jungle streams and lakes, and live bearers from the southern coastal plains. (Guatemala is a fairly small country, so you can drive from the Atlantic to the Pacific in one day…) Sometimes I had more fish than aquariums to put them in (And I had a lot of aquariums!) As a kid, I got pretty creative about housing. I have kept fish in just about any kind of container you can imagine... the ever-present 5-gallon bucket was my first choice on more than one occasion. I have had fish in a punch bowl, the blender, a flower vase, Tupperware containers, Ziploc bags, jelly jars, you name it and I probably have used it at least once. (The blender was not turned on so don’t worry). I also came up with some pretty creative collection methods.

I have since moved to Tennessee with my wife and 3 boys. We homeschool our sons in the shadow of the Smoky Mountains. My wife says I still have too many aquariums. Around here I have to content myself with online shopping and the local fish stores. Out of the frustration of not finding really great resources online or locally I created this page! I’m hoping to help anyone else searching for a great place for info, animals, or products!

Please feel free to contact me and let me know what you think. And if there are any sites out there you recommend I would like to take a look! Thanks-