About Cichlids
Well, by now you should know I am Guatemalan... Down there if you eat fish it probably is what we call "Mojarra" . Any cichlid is called mojarra, no mater how big or small or of what color, even though the real mojarras belong to the family Gerreidae, and are a type of marine fish from the Caribbean. So for the longest time to me cichlids where no more than simple mojarras good for eating an little else. I have had Firemouth, Jack Dempsey, Convict and some huge ones like Blanco (Petenia splendida) and many others that I never even knew their names. It wasn't until I discovered the Angles, Discus, Apistogramas and all the beautiful African cichlids that I realized that cichlids are wonderful aquarium fish. So here are some of the best sites in the Internet to get information on whatever type of cichlid you like and later on I'll post a blog about some independent breeders.