Amphilophus longimanus, Red breasted cichlid
This is a small cichlid, staying under 7 inches.
Distribution: Is found thorough all Central America, from the Atlantic slope in Honduras (Rio Aguan) to Nicaragua (Río Prinzapolka) and Costa Rica (Rio San Juan drainage including Lago Nicaragua), Pacific slope from Guatemala to Costa Rica (Rio Nahualate to Rio Bebedero).
Biology: In addition to soft bottoms of the lake, inhabits rivers between 0 and 285'. Is more abundant in stagnant waters although also found in strong current. Browse on soft bottoms picking up aquatic insects, especially fly larvae.
Family: Cichlidae
Subfamily: Cichlasomatinae
Order: Perciformes
PH: 7-8
DH: 5-20
Temp: 23-36°C