
Dwarf Cichlids

There are some of us that have a special place in our hearts for dwarf cichlids. I see that most people like the big and aggressive cihclids like the Oscar or the Firemouth or like the so many African cichlids that are available but for me there is nothing better than a tank full of tiny Apistograma or a nice community tank with a pair or two of Rams. The nicest part about them in my opinion is that you can even breed them in a community tank, some get a bit territorial but besides chasing the occasional intruder away they will stick to the bottom of the aquarium. In some cases you will find that you have a pair that just laid a clutch of eggs. The parents will guard them and if all goes right soon you will have a nice little cloud of free swimming fry. Some times one of the parents will eat the eggs or the fry. This is more common with new parents and it goes away with time but on occasion they never grow out of it. Here is where you see the difference between the normal people and the intense hobbyist. I belong to the later. You will have to take the eggs out of the tank and try to hatch them by themselves in a separate aquarium. There are several pages out there that talk about dwarf cichlids and here are some that I recommend.